Molham Volunteering Team

Rizq Campaign
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Required $NaN Campaign 591
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Imagine working all day long in very difficult conditions just to secure a meal for your children in exchange for a maximum wage of 150 Turkish lira, which is approximately just $4!
This is the situation of hundreds of day laborers and low-income earners in northern Syria, who suffer from very poor living conditions. Among them is Mahmoud. Mahmoud is one of those people who live with the goal of providing for their daily needs despite the very poor living conditions!
With the difficult circumstances and the increasing hardships of life, Mahmoud finds it increasingly difficult to provide for all the needs of his family with an income that does not exceed $100 monthly.
Despite this, Mahmoud and many other workers whose stories are similar, decide to challenge all circumstances to ensure they eat their meal lawfully. These are the people who deserve our support and to make them happy.
Through your donation to the "Rizq" campaign, we can help the largest number of day laborers in northern Syria by providing them with financial amounts sufficient to meet their families' needs for certain periods, and to ease their hearts from the fatigue and worries they are experiencing so that they can secure their living expenses.