Molham Volunteering Team

A work injury altered the reality for the entire family! Adel needs your help to regain his mobility!
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Adel is a young man living with his family in one room that barely accommodates them, and the room is part of a residential unit that they share with another family. They are living under difficult living conditions, as the father suffers from migraine and cannot work constantly. Therefore, Adel works to help his father.
While working, Adel fell from a high edge, which caused him internal bleeding and a hip fracture. Since then, Adel has been bedridden, and his family's living conditions worsened due to lack of income. Adel's condition requires surgery and a plates implant to restore his mobility. Due to the challenging circumstances of the family, they cannot secure the cost required for the operation.
Adel needs your help. Do not give up on him!