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Statistics of the Humanitarian Department - First Half of 2023

Statistics of the Humanitarian Department - First Half of 2023

31 August 2023

The displaced people live amid tragedies and harsh living and health conditions. They try to search for a new life, but in vain. Given that, we continue to respond to their appeals.

This preceded the horrible disaster that devastated the country and added to the displaced families' burdens. Anyway, that disaster didn't stop our efforts to alleviate their suffering and cultivate hope in their souls.

When we thoroughly examine the outcome of the disaster, we can find great achievements entrenched by real figures, as well as unforgettable moments. This brings us to talk about the response of the Humanitarian Department, and its achievements during the first half of 2023.

Since the start of 2023, with successive disasters and increased calamities, the Humanitarian Department has been working as a beehive until it reached a budget estimated at $1,596,013.

The Department has launched different campaigns, starting with the "Emergency Humanitarian Cases" Campaign that aimed at helping the displaced families, alleviating their suffering, and providing for their daily life necessities such as furniture, power, and house rents" instantly.

With the disaster of the earthquake, the Humanitarian Department, which allocates its work to NW Syria, and countries of refuge (Turkey, Jordan, and Lebanon) was the backbone of work, especially with its key presence with two campaigns. 

  • The "1,000 Afflicted Families" Campaign worked to provide major necessities for afflicted families by providing housing, pocket money, and other necessities.
  • "Sponsor an Afflicted Family" Campaign: This campaign was dedicated for providing monthly sponsorships for several families severely afflicted by the earthquake.
  • The "Small Projects Fund" Campaign was the panacea for some families. The campaign supported the families to start their small businesses to help them have a source of income.

We would have never reached such great achievements without your generous donations and support. Given that, we extend our sincere thanks to you for your ongoing cooperation to help change the miserable reality of the displaced people and alleviate their burdens.
