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Statistics of the Education Department - First Half of 2023

Statistics of the Education Department - First Half of 2023

31 August 2023

Education is a luxury in an area that lacks even the minimum means of livelihood in a way that only lucky people gain access to it. Given this background, Molham Volunteering Team's Education Department seeks to enable university and school students to have access to education following years of deprivation. Below is the midterm report of the department's work during the first half of 2023 with a budget of $805,221.


The department's work varied between operating schools and sponsoring university students. The department allocated a monthly budget for each of the team's schools aimed at educating successive generations that will have a key role in reconstructing the war-torn country and spreading goodness and freedom wherever.


The schools were as the following:


The Molham Village school in the countryside of Azaz with a monthly budget of $3,850. The school provides education to 350 students mostly from the inhabitants of the village.

The Molham Orphans' School in Idlib: It includes 315 orphans with a monthly budget of $4,370.

The Fahd Ra'I School: The school is located in Azaz with a monthly budget of $11,000. It provides education to 1,100 students.


The role of these schools to children has never been limited to education alone, they were like a shelter for the children who were displaced and orphaned. The schools hosted educational events and activities and ceremonies to honor top students. The students also went on entertaining journeys. The schools also hosted training courses for the educational staff to develop and brush up their skills and expertise.

In terms of students' sponsorships, the department provides educational sponsorships for the students who have had difficulties and hardships in this context. The team has contributed to the graduation of 97 university students with different specializations this year to help reconstruct their country. The team is still sponsoring more than 305 university students in NW Syria and countries of refuge.


The first half of 2023 was not easy, but even though your generous donations were able to render aid to those students who have their own dreams for the sake of their country. We extend sincere thanks to those who never saved an effort to help their country.
