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Statistics of the Emergency Response and Campaigns Program - First Half of 2023

Statistics of the Emergency Response and Campaigns Program - First Half of 2023

31 August 2023

As a disaster strikes, we in the Molham Volunteering Team's Campaigns Department, rush out to respond. We are only concerned about implementing our duties regardless of any other details such as races or ages.

The first six months of 2023 were not normal or as planned. We never expected that such disasters would complicate and aggravate the already miserable situation. Given that, the Campaigns and Response Department started work, reaching $651,573,2 as an implementation budget.

Several campaigns share the same goal that is to instantly meet the displaced people's needs. The campaigns fell into three types:

1- Seasonal campaigns

2-Response campaigns

3- Food Campaigns

Each of those campaigns has its own service, beneficiaries, work locations, but surely all share the same result: relief and happiness.

Seasonal Campaigns:

The Molham Volunteering Team launched the "Molhamiyoon in Ramadan" Campaign in Ramadan 2023. The food campaign reached over 12,000 displaced families and 500 children in NW Syria, Turkey, and Lebanon.

Eid has its own campaigns of the "Eid-Giving 13", "Eid Giving-14", "Eid Desserts", and Eid Giving and Clothes" which reached over 3,500 displaced families and over 3,000 children to delight them. We also implemented the "Eid Sweets" Campaign in NW Syria, Turkey, and Lebanon. 

While in winter, the team launched the "Give Warmth 16" Campaign. Winter in camps means freezing children and heartbreaking scenes. Every year, the campaign seeks to provide heating supplies to the poorest families. In 2023, the campaign reached over 7,300 displaced families and over 3,200 children. The campaign provided winter clothes for children in NW Syria, Lebanon, Turkey, and Jordan.    

In terms of al-Zakat, the team launched the " Zakat al-Fitr" Campaign and "Zakat al-Mal" Campaign. Over 8,000 families benefited from the campaigns. They received money meant to alleviate their distress and helplessness.

The team has dedicated a special and seasonal campaign for the Arsal camps due to poor conditions. The team responded to over 11,000 displaced families. 

Response Campaigns:

When disasters strike, the displaced people in camps are the most people that get affected and their suffering always becomes deeper. Molham Volunteering Team's Campaigns Department seeks to respond to those people within the response campaigns. Of note, the disaster of the earthquake in NW Syria and Southern Turkey. The campaign of responding to the earthquake reached implementation capacity of over $1,300,000 to and assisted more than 2,000 afflicted families and 5,000 children. The amount varied between cash money shelters, and transportation for the afflicted people.  

The team responded to over 750 families as part of the "Survivors" Campaign. The team provided for the families' necessities following the earthquake. The team also reached dozens of kids as part of the "Gift for the kids afflicted by the earthquake" Campaign.  

Moving to the al-Rukban Camp, where the "Save al-Rukban Camp" Campaign lasted until the start of 2023 and reached more than 2,000 displaced and besieged families. 

Regarding fires, the team responded to over 3,200 families whose tents or shelters were burnt in Lebanon's Tripoli and Beqaa. 

Dozens of families benefited from the "Rent a House", "Provide Water", and "Rehabilitate a House" campaigns.

The "Enough" Campaign managed to attract the hearts of the elderly, as it delighted them and they expressed gratitude.

Food Campaigns:

Within the "Feed the Poor" Campaign, the team distributed food kits to 2,000 displaced families in NW Syria, Lebanon, and Jordan.

Hundreds of families benefited from the "Fruit Basket" Campaign in NW Syria' campaigns. The campaign provided fruit which has long been welfare to the displaced families.

In terms of the annual "Loaf of Bread" Campaign, the team reached over 1, 000 displaced families and distributed bread to them. 

The Campaigns' Department field of activeness:

The Campaigns' team has access to 40 work locations in NW Syria and countries of refuge by daily or seasonal work whether in camps or uninhabitable houses.

The key achievements of the Campaigns' Department during the first half of 2023:

The team launched the response campaign only an hour after the earthquake, where the people were still shivering under shock. The department worked hard and achieved a great achievement.  The volunteers of the department have always sought the emergent and instant response to disasters.

This is the mid-year report of 2023. We extend sincere thanks to all those who supported us and enabled us to make a better reality.  

