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Administrative support for the team

Support the Molham team’s administrative fund to help us establish new offices, expand our work across Syria, and assist displaced families in returning to their homes.


Greetings from Free Syria. Today, we are at the heart of Syrian cities, from Damascus to Aleppo and Deir ez-Zor, after having been with you on the journey of liberation that began in Aleppo and extended across Syria. Due to frequent travel, long distances, and the expanding scope of our team’s work, monthly expenses have increased, surpassing the allocated administrative budget to cover transportation and operational costs. Therefore, we invite you to support the administrative fund of the Molham team, which has been committed throughout the past period to covering all liberated cities and documenting historical moments. This support will enable us to establish new offices in Damascus and Aleppo and expand our efforts to help displaced families return to their homes.